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Basic Accounting Lesson Plans

Are balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements keeping you up at night? Well, beginning accounting students (or others with an interest in such matters) will appreciate these basic accounting lesson plans, provided courtesy of the website. The first section contains a number of lesson plans and worksheets that include topics such as the fundamental concepts of...
Subscribe to GAO E-Mail Alerts

The U.S. General Accounting Office, Congress' Watchdog agency, now has a mailing list service for a daily electronic posting of the General Accounting Office (GAO) Daybook. The GAO Daybook is the daily listing of released GAO reports and testimony.
The Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Lectures in Accounting

From the Stan Ross Department of Accountancy at Baruch College of the City University of New York, the Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Lectures in Accounting, a series of public lectures, are in the process of being digitized. The lectures date back to 1973 and include the 1997 speech by Michael H. Sutton, Chief Accountant, Securities and Exchange Commission, entitled "Financial Reporting and Investor...