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Nature films


BBC Radio 4: The Living World

Nature documentaries and like-minded programs continue to fascinate the general public, and the demand for such material would seem to be almost infinite. While some may be most familiar with those shows that appear on television, there are a number of radio-based programs that are worth considering. One such program is the BBC Radio 4's own "The Living World", hosted by Lionel Kelleway. Described...
Nature Online Video Streaming Archive

Nature is an international, interdisciplinary, weekly peer-reviewed journal of science that has an impressive website that conveys its information in written, audio or video formats. The video offerings here "feature interviews with scientists behind the research and analysis from Nature editors." Nature also has a YouTube channel that can be used to "upload and share our videos across the...
The Greatest Places

Associated with the Science Museum of Minnesota, this Web site is a companion to the large-format film "The Greatest Places." Each of seven geographically diverse areas are featured, along with selected aspects of their culture and biological resources. The Okovango Delta and Madagascar sections have a stronger focus on the flora and fauna of the areas, while the others focus more on the culture...