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Graphic methods -- Study and teaching (Elementary)


Create a Graph

Part of the National Center for Education Statistics' Classroom feature, Create a Graph is a simple, visual program in which kids can create a custom bar, area, line or pie graph. Clicking on the graph type from the menu leads to a brief overview about that type of graph, what sorts of data it is useful for, and links to the data entry page. On the data entry page, kids can enter up to 15 data...
National Center for Education Statistics: Create a Graph

As the site's title implies, this site is simply about making graphs. It introduces students to four main types of graphs -- bar, line, pie, and area -- and allows visitors to construct their own. By selecting a line graph, for example, visitors are asked to provide the title of the graph, the titles of the X and Y axes, and then to list the coordinates for all of the points on either axis. With a...