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Newspapers -- History -- 19th century


Illinois Civil War Newspapers

Created as part of an ambitious effort to digitize a wide range of documents related to the Civil War in Illinois, this site is a great resource for historians and the curious public. It's quite a trove, as it offers visitors access to over 1,900 documents including commentaries from Senator Stephen Douglas, letters from soldiers back home, the draft, and much more. The site also has a nice...
Mining the Dispatch

Mining the Dispatch is a digital humanities project by Robert K. Nelson, an American Studies Scholar who heads the University of Richmond Digital Scholarship Lab. In this project, Nelson uses a variety of digital tools (including MALLET software for text analysis and Google Charts API for data visualization) to analyze the Richmond Daily Dispatch newspaper, which was in circulation during the U.S....
South Carolina Digital Newspaper Program

Based at the University of South Carolina Libraries, the South Carolina Digital Newspaper Program (SCDNP) is part of a concerted effort to preserve the printed culture and record of the palmetto state for future generations. Since 2009, the SCDNP has digitized a number of key newspapers with the assistance of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress. An interactive map...
The Franklin County Publication Archive Index

Researching and documenting local histories can be difficult work, as any genealogist or amateur historian can attest to. Barbara Stewart and her colleagues at the University of Massachusetts have created a valuable Web-based resource for people interested in researching Franklin County in Massachusetts. Essentially, the Archive Index allows users to search for articles (organized by subject) from...
The History Buff

This site, devoted to the history of newspapers in the United States and to US history in general, offers several notable American history resources. Essays by members of the Newspaper Collectors Society of America, with which this site is affiliated, cover a range of topics relating to the history of newspaper journalism. The essay archive is searchable. Resources of interest to collectors...