Since 1975, the heads of state of the major industrial democracies have met annually to discuss the major economic and political issues facing their respective political entities, and more broadly, the entire international community. This past weekend, these seven main countries (with Russia joining the organization in 2006) met in Evian, France. Provided and developed by the University of... and the G8 Research Group at the University of Toronto invite 5,000 participants to debate monetary policy and global financial architecture issues with world leaders at the G8 Summit Online. The site includes registration information for the June 7-20, 1999 session, live broadcasts and Real Video archives of 1999 G8 Summit-related interviews, press briefings, and panel discussions.
In what is now becoming a familiar scene at international economic meetings, police and anti-globalization protesters clashed violently in Genoa, Italy, as leaders of the world's seven richest countries and Russia met to discuss the threat of a world recession, liberalizing trade, and global warming. The violence began just outside the "red zone" established by security forces to keep protestors...