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Caribbean Area -- History


Aaron Thomas: The Caribbean Journal of a Royal Navy Seaman

Setting out on the Caribbean today on a large vessel might involve boarding a massive cruise ship in Fort Lauderdale or Nassau in the Bahamas. Things were a bit different when Aaron Thomas set off on those same waters back in 1798. Thomas served on the HMS Lapwing during the French Revolutionary wars and his journal contains first-hand accounts of naval operations, customs of the day, and humorous...
BBC Caribbean

The BBC (or "Beeb" to those in the know) provides high-quality investigative news reports and thoughtful conversations on topics ranging from the Middle Ages to globalization. The BBC Caribbean Service ceased broadcasting in 2011, but users may utilize these archives for news articles about the Caribbean region until that time. This archived version of the BBC Caribbean site includes a Caribbean...
Caribbean Views: Personal Selections by Mike Phillips

In this online gallery of the British Library, they have taken an interesting approach to highlighting one of their collections. They asked Mike Phillips, an author and historian born in Guyana, to comment and react to their large British West Indies collection. There are illustrations, maps, and pages of text from books written during the period of colonization, all with explanations and...
Digital Library of the Caribbean

This rather remarkable collection based at the University of Florida is a unique collaboration between that institution and a range of academic libraries, historical societies, and other organizations throughout the Caribbean. The collections here include the Panama and the Canal, Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library, and the Vodou Archive. The Panama and the Canal archive contains 172 items...
Exploring the Early Americas

When thinking about the early Americas, it's hard not to consider the stellar materials that make up the Jay I. Kislak Collection at the Library of Congress. Kislak amassed thousands of items related to early Florida, the Caribbean, and Mesoamerica, and subsequently donated over 3,000 of these items to the Library. This online exhibition affords interested parties a taste of these materials...

This new H-Net discussion list concerns Atlantic World history from 1500 to 1800. The list is intended to be interdisciplinary and is open to faculty, advanced students, and independent scholars interested in early modern Atlantic history. Users can learn more about the list, read message logs, and subscribe at H-Net.
Hispanic Reading Room: Online Collections

The Hispanic Reading Room site from the Library of Congress brings together over a dozen digital collections crafted from primary and secondary source materials related to Luso-Hispanic cultural history. The collections offered on this site include the Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake as well as a collection on Puerto Rico and the Dawn of the Modern Age. This last area contains a small...
Jamaica National Heritage Trust

Many visitors to Jamaica come only to visit the country's world famous beaches along the Ocho Rios and the diverse resorts scattered along the north coast of this Caribbean nation. For those persons planning a visit to Jamaica, or those who are looking for information about sites of historic and archaeological importance, the Jamaica National Heritage Trust will be useful. Visitors to the site...