This website presents the Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA) Museum of Entomology, a great resource for researchers from around the world, currently housing an "estimated 8.15 million prepared specimens including 3,500 primary and at least 15,000 secondary types." The site links to sections on Collections and Major Holdings, Publications of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods,...
Looking for a nice close-up of a bark beetle to show your forestry class? Need a shot of bamboo or acacia for your educational Webpage? Look no further than this handy resource for people teaching forestry, ecology, or similar topics. A joint venture by the US Forest Service and the University of Georgia, Forestry Images holds nearly 4,500 color .jpeg images of forest plants, insects,...
First published by Entomological Information Services in 1996-97 in four volumes, this online checklist is a complete listing (minus synonyms) of the approximately 90,000 species of insects of North America north of Mexico. The checklist is arranged alphabetically, by taxonomic rank. Detailed information includes "the current generic name, the species name, the author or authors of the name, the...
Hosted by the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University, this well-organized website provides basic information about many common insects found in Texas, and in numerous other states as well. The website is based on a book titled, _A Field Guide to Common Texas Insects_ by Drs. Bastiaan M. Drees and John A. Jackman. The site contains concise descriptions and good-quality images of a variety...