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Econometric models (1)
Study and teaching (1)


CyberEconomics: An Analysis of Unintended Consequences

CyberEconomics is developed by Robert Schenk, Professor of Economics at Saint Joseph's College. The site is meant to be "an interactive supplement to a principles of economics course." CyberEconomics covers most of the topics in introductory microeconomics and macroeconomics. A short explanation of each topic is provided and at the end of each topic there is a review section consisting of multiple...
MIT OpenCourseWare: Applied Macro- and International Economics

How do business firms operate? And how do the basic tools of macroeconomic management affect their operations? These are but a few of the questions addressed by the MIT course "Applied Macro- and International Economics". The course was recently placed online as part of the OpenCourseWare initiative, and the materials are from the version taught in the spring of 2011 by Professors Robert Rigobon...
Understanding the World Macroeconomy

Understanding the World Economy is provided by Nouriel Roubini, Associate Professor of Economics and International Business at the Stern School of Business, New York University for his MBA Macroeconomics course. The aim of the course is to review and analyze current macroeconomic issues from the viewpoint of businesses and policymakers. The highlight of the web site is the collection of lecture...