The September 1999 issue of Economic Outlook, from the AEI, consists of an article by John H. Makin explaining interest rate behaviors, including the role of government financial activity, a definition of the Fisher Equation, and the effects of cost-push inflation.
Created and maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) "represents an on-going effort to identify and assemble statistical information conveying the key features of the economic, political, social and cultural environments of countries around the world." Started in 1997,...
On December 2 the World Bank released a new 200 page annual report on the global economy which contained thinly veiled criticism of the International Monetary Fund and US Treasury's handling of the Asian financial crisis. The crucial mistake, the report maintains, was their decision to push Asian nations into easing their interest rates, which set off the almost-worldwide recession. While it warns..., "a private intelligence company engaged in open-source information monitoring," offers this free current-awareness and analysis service. Researchers, international relations analysts, and interested general users will find a rich assortment of news and commentary on political, social, military, and economic events and trends worldwide. The site contains several significant sections....
The Economist has been doing a special issue at the conclusion of each calendar year for sometime, and it is full of interesting and provocative materials about various political, economic, and technological trends around the world. The site includes a brief introduction to the 2011 edition, and a link to their "Cassandra" blog, which includes a series of predictions and the like. The other...
This report, written by RAND for the National Intelligence Council, examines the implications of the revolutions in biotechnology and information technology and the challenges and questions likely to be raised in these fields between now and 2015. The report is offered in both .html and .pdf formats.
Released on September 15, 1999, the 22nd edition of this annual report from the World Bank Organization examines the effects of globalization and localization on the world economy in the coming millennium. Along with the full report, which can be downloaded by chapter in .pdf format, this extensive Website includes overviews of the World Development Report in general and the 1999/2000 report in...
A critical update to the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook (described in the October 9, 1998 Scout Report), the World Economic Outlook (WEO) and International Capital Markets (ICM) Interim Assessment examines recent international financial developments and provides revised economic forecasts for emerging and mature economies. The report includes a chapter on "systemic issues"...
The International Monetary Fund has made available the December 1997 issue of the World Economic Outlook. This report contains the interim assessment by the IMF staff on the financial turmoil in Asia and its implications on global and regional economies. The report discusses the events leading up to the Asian financial crisis and how the crisis evolved; it also assesses the spillover effects from...