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Science -- Information services

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ABC Science Podcasts

The "ABC" in question here happens to be the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and they have come up with a smashing collection of science podcasts. Visitors can sign up to receive new podcasts via RSS feed, but they should definitely test the waters here by listening to any one of Dr Karl's "Great Moments of Science" or an edition of "Talking Science", which features interviews with various...
Ask - A - Geologist

Ask-A-Geologist - US Geological Survey offers new Internet service. Have you ever wondered about why there so much oil in Texas, but not in Wisconsin? What are the deepest canyons in the United States? (The answer might surprise you!) While the answers to many of these questions might be as close as an encyclopedia, some questions are difficult to answer without checking many sources. The USGS...
Ask a Scientist!

The Internet offers many opportunities to find quality answers to a host of important questions, ranging from the fields of the humanities to those in the hard sciences. One important resource that offers answers to a number of thorny questions is the Ask a Scientist! website created and maintained by the Centers for Materials Research at Cornell University. The site had its debut on September 17,...
BBC: Science Message Board

The BBC developed this website as a forum for those interested in the latest science topics. Users can search through the materials by subject, which include Current Science, Science Q & A, Not Rocket Science, Technology, Space, and Star Gazing. Individuals can read the questions, answers, and beliefs of participants. The website furnishes the rules of the message board and the qualifications of...
Christian Science Monitor: Technology

The Christian Science Monitor has offered innovative and thoughtful news coverage for over a century. Its website has a number of fascinating nooks and crannies, and the Innovation area is a real find. On this site, visitors can look over the Innovation news feed, which brings together pieces on a plethora of topics, including new online music sharing programs, patent information, and new apps....
Extreme Science

Have you ever wondered how tides are created, where the greatest earthquake happened, or how time is measured? All of these and many more questions are answered at this fantastic website created by scientist, Elizabeth Keller. Users can find an abundance of materials on time, weather, space phenomena, and earth science. Within the Gallery of Scientists, users can learn about the work of admirable...
Library of Congress: Science Reference Services

As one of the world's premier libraries, the Library of Congress has many staff members dedicated to helping members of the general public find the information they need. Along with providing in-person assistance in Washington, D.C., they also maintain this nifty site designed for persons looking for science reference material online. There is not much that isn't included on the site, as visitors...
LINK Alert

Springer-Verlag Journals Preview Service (discussed in the September 17, 1997 issue of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering) has been integrated into Springer-Verlag's LINK service. This free service provides users with the most recent tables of contents and abstracts from more than 200 journals retrievable via LINK. Each new table of contents, with links to respective abstracts, is sent...
Project Exploration

Chicago-based Project Exploration "is the living classroom that involves students and the public in scientific discovery, by connecting kids and families to interactive exhibits, labs, unique science programs and real scientists." Project Exploration focuses on reaching city kids, but every kid (and teachers) should check out this wonderful Web site. Visitors will find tons of activities and...
SGR: Scientists for Global Responsibility

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) have created a site depicting the belief that "science and technology should be used responsibly in a way that contributes to justice and peace in human society and to the long-term well-being of the wider environment". Scientists can download reports that the group, consisting of 600 scientists, has written such as Cleaner Technologies: A Positive...
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