Edward O. Wilson is a name synonymous with ants, sociobiology, and biodiversity. And it's a name that more often than not appears with a mile-long list of accolades trailing it. The University of Alabama offers a more personable introduction to this celebrated scientist, one of the University's most distinguished alums (1). The next site is the homepage of the Department of Entomology at Harvard's...
UK-based Butterfly Conservation presents the preliminary results of the Garden Butterfly Count (GBC), which enlisted the help of private residents to survey backyard butterflies and moths. Over 11,000 completed survey forms were returned to Butterfly Conservation at the end of the 2002 season, and the Web site provides a brief look at early results and analysis. The information is presented for a...
This National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Web site contains an interesting, in-depth article on the use of insect pheromones in pest management. The article is one of many from Beyond Discovery: The Path from Research to Human Benefit; a NAS-sponsored series designed to demonstrate "how science works by illustrating how basic research produces knowledge that can lead to practical results of human...
The Smithsonian's Department of Entomology database library offers 25 databases and bibliographies related to insects and entomology, collectively containing many thousands of records. The main page lists the databases available and describes most of them. The number of records indexed and available search options vary for each database or bibliography. Additional information on the Department of...
This Web site focuses on "one of the largest and most abundant families of present day insects" -- the Robber Flies. Maintained by Fritz Geller-Grimm of the Museum Wiesbaden in Germany and Cornell University graduate student Torsten Dikow, the site includes a variety of information on many aspects of these insects. The Asilidae section contains many resources that are most appropriate for an...
The University of Wisconsin-Entomology Department's impressive Insect Research Collection (IRC) represents close to 70 years of work by professional and amateur entomologists in Wisconsin. The Collection "contains about one million pinned and preserved insects with primary geographic emphasis on Wisconsin and the Great Lakes Region." The primary orders represented in the IRC are Lepidoptera,...