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University of California, Berkeley -- History


Berkeley 1968-1973 Poster Collection

"There's a time when the operating of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part... And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheel, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop!" These words, shouted by the incendiary student leader Mario Savio at a free speech rally at UC-Berkeley in 1964, helped define a...
Media Resources Center Moffitt Library UC Berkeley: Online Media Resources

The Media Resources Center at the University of California, Berkeley (described in the February 27, 1998 Scout Report) is continually expanding its selection of video and audio files, offering highlights from its collection and the Berkeley Language Center (BLC) Language Lab Speech Archives. The audio section contains a number of lengthy full-text speeches and readings delivered on the Berkeley...
Online Audio and Video Recordings: UC Berkeley Lectures and Events

The Media Resources Center at the University of California, Berkeley makes available a selection of video and audio files, offering highlights from its collection and the Berkeley Language Center (BLC) Language Lab Speech Archives. The audio section contains a number of lengthy full-text speeches and readings delivered on the Berkeley campus by notable figures such as Malcolm X, Noam Chomsky,...
UC Berkeley: Regional Oral History Office

Since its creation in 1954, the Regional Oral History Office at the Bancroft Library has carried out hundreds of interviews in a wide variety of subject areas, including arts and letters, business and labor, University of California history, and the environment. As part of a vast digitization project, a number of these interviews have been placed online for consultation and research purposes. The...