Provided by the History Department of the United States Military Academy (West Point), this site offers an extensive collection (over 400) of color maps originally produced for a course entitled History of the Military Art. The atlases cover international and civil conflicts from American colonial campaigns to Somalia in 1992-93. The maps are browsed by war/ conflict and are presented as large...
Created as part of the American Memory Collection at the Library of Congress, this fine digital archive brings together thousands of maps that offer great detail about major military conflicts, including such information as troop movements, defensive structures and groundworks, campsites, local buildings, topography and vegetation. On the site, visitors can also learn about how the maps were...
Military maps continue to fascinate the general public, and this collection from the American Memory Project at the Library of Congress will be of great interest to those with a penchant for American history and cartography. This particular collection contains maps collected and used by Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau during the American Revolution. Rochambeau served as the...