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Science -- History -- Exhibitions


A Romantic Natural History: A Website Designed to Survey the Relationships Between Literary Works and Natural History in the Century Before Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859)

Created by Ashton Nichols, Professor of English at Dickinson College, this interesting site should appeal to users in both the history of science and literature. Basically, the site explores connections between literary works and natural history in the century before Darwin's Origin of the Species. At the site, visitors will first find several essays by Ashton, some short case studies, and a...
Dream Anatomy Learning Station

This Web site contains the educational materials for Dream Anatomy, a new exhibit at the National Library of Medicine. Viewable online, the exhibit offers a somewhat macabre but undeniably fascinating survey of changes in anatomical representation over the last five centuries. Recently added to the main Dream Anatomy Web site, Learning Station provides lesson plans and activities intended for...

From the American Museum of Natural History comes the online exhibit on the life and legacy of Albert Einstein. Students (who should probably be at least of high school age) can learn about Einstein's revolutionary thinking; his work with light, time, energy, and gravity; his thoughts on peace and war, on being a global citizen, and his legacy according to the museum. Although fairly brief, the...
Explore the Universe

The new online exhibit, Explore the Universe, is provided by the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. The site "presents the major discoveries that have given us our current scientific view of the universe, illustrates how the universe is taking shape and probes the mysteries that remain." The exhibit, which is especially interesting when viewed with necessary browsers and multimedia...
George Washington Carver Digital Collection

George Washington Carver was many things to many people: at various points in his life he was a scholar, teacher, inventor, and student. From humble roots in southwestern Missouri, Carver went on to wear many hats. This fine digital collection from the Iowa State University brings together over 200 photographs, letters, and other items held in the ISU archives. The majority of the correspondence...
Google Arts & Culture: Once Upon a Try

In March 2019, Google Arts & Culture launched what may be its most ambitious exhibition thus far. Once Upon a Try, created in collaboration with over 100 institutions from around the world, is a rich collection of online exhibits celebrating science, discovery, and invention throughout centuries of human history. Here, visitors can explore more than 400 digital exhibits, collections, articles, and...
Pictures of Science: 700 Years of Scientific and Medical Illustration

Brought together originally in 1999 for an exhibition held at the New York Public Library's Gottesman Exhibition Hall, this set of intriguing images covers the fields of astronomy, chemistry, geology, medicine, and physics taken from different engravings, lithographs, and manuscript illuminations. The images here range from the 16th to the 19th centuries, and they are culled from works such as the...
Science Museum: Antenna Science News

The Web site of the London's Science Museum (last mentioned in the April 21, 2000 Scout Report) now offers Antenna, a section of frequently updated popular science news delivered with a decidedly British sense of humor. Antenna offers both short (about 3 screens of information) and longer features (6 or more pages), some with video. Recent short features are "First human clone - or is it?"; "Bond...
Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology

Those interested in the history of science should find this page interesting. Although the site is developed by a private individual, it is full of quality information from a large bank of references. The Goof Gallery is a unique collection of some erroneous discoveries made by historic scientists, complete with sketches of monsters and dragons that were once assumed to exist. Another useful...
Wonder Books: Rare Books on Early Museums

This virtual exhibit sponsored by the National Museum of Natural History asks the question: "Why are centuries-old natural history books vital to scientific research?" Using materials from the Rare Books Collection at the Smithsonian, the exhibit offers a variety of images dealing with natural history museums of the past to allow for the exploration of parallels and contrasts between the...