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Corn -- Genetic engineering.


View Resource Bt Corn and Monarch Butterflies

The US Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Research Service provides this research question and answer page to outline its recent findings about Bt corn, which is genetically modified to include a natural soil bacteria that functions as an insecticide. The findings indicate that "there is no significant risk to monarch butterflies from environmental exposure to Bt corn." Several other...
View Resource The Why Files: Genetically Modified Corn Study

This recent Why Files from the Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison discusses a study published last fall in the journal Nature, which has since been denounced because of insufficient evidence. The site discusses some of the substance of the original article and some criticisms of it. It then moves into a more general discussion of the scientific method, conflicting data, and...
View Resource University of Illinois Extension-Schools Online: The Great Corn Adventure

This website treats kids to a fun educational journey through the Corn Belt, courtesy of the University of Illinois Extension-Schools Online Program. The program begins with a vaudevillesque front page announcing The Great Corn Adventure: Combines, Corndogs & Cows. The star is Zea Mays, and she teaches students about the history of corn; growing and harvesting methods; the many uses of corn, and...