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Geology -- Equipment and supplies.


View Resource Radiometric Dating

The first website (1), created by Pamela J. W. Gore at Georgia Perimeter College, provides a concise explanation of the geologic principles of radiometric dating. Students can learn about the fundamentals of half lives, isotopes, and dating minerals. Secondly, the Museum Victoria offers a useful overview of radioactive decay of Potassium-40 and Carbon-14 (2). The website discusses the benefits of...
View Resource Seabed Observation and Sampling System

This factsheet from the US Geological Survey gives information on the Seabed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS). SEABOSS uses two video cameras, a still camera, and a modified Van Veen sediment sampler. The short factsheet (.pdf format) includes color images of the instrument and examples of images taken by it.