"The Delaware Riverkeeper and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network stand as vigilant protectors and defenders of the River, its tributaries and its watershed committed to restoring the natural balance where it has been lost and ensuring its preservation where it still exists." Users can learn about the group's extensive efforts to protect the water quality of the 13,539 square mile watershed. The...
This Web site contains a June 2003 report from the Economic Research Service of U.S. Department of Agriculture. The report offers a detailed analysis of livestock and poultry manure management for water quality in the U.S. The studies included in the report occur on multiple scales: 1) a farm-level analysis of "on-farm technical choice and producer costs" across the U.S., 2) a regional analysis of...
Scientists and professionals from numerous organizations have collaborated to provide college and high school students with a plethora of tutorials and modules to help them "understand and solve real-world environmental problems." Users can find two sets of curricula: Basic Science for high school and first-year college students; and Water Science for second-year technical students or...
In order to explore fundamental science concepts, Water on the Web has created tutorials utilizing the aquatic environment and real lake data. The site provides two types of lessons covering the same concepts: the Studying lessons, which are guided; and the Investigating lessons, which involve problem solving. High school and college students will find hands-on activities dealing with basic...