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Cosmology -- Research


How Old is the Universe?

The first reading from a cosmic "uranium clock" using The European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very-large Telescope (VLT) UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph came out this month. The Chilean-based VLT is the world's largest optical telescope array. It holds a visual spectograph that was used to measure the amount of the radioactive isotope Uranium-238 in a star named CS 31082-001 that was born when our...
Observational Cosmology in the Timbie Group

The Timbie Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison specializes "in the development and deployment of instruments capable of reaching the exquisite levels of sensitivity necessary to detect the very weak microwave signals constituting the Cosmic Microwave Background" (CMB). The website offers materials about the group's current and recent endeavors, including the Polarization Observations of...
UC Davis Cosmology Group

This UC-Davis web site promotes its cosmology research, investigators, and related events. Users can find links to the group's four main research projects: Deep Lens Survey, The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), the proposed development of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), and Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty - cm (FIRST). The site offers extensive descriptions and...
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe mission attempts to reveal conditions as they existed in the early universe by measuring the properties of the cosmic microwave background radiation over the full sky. Visitors can learn more about the particulars of the mission, explore the subjects of cosmology and the "Big Bang Theory" on the Universe link, view images of the probe and its launch in...