Digital Collections at Trinity College Dublin provides visitors the opportunity to turn the pages of illuminated manuscripts from afar. For example, readers can view the Book of Kells, comprised of 680 pages hand written in Latin on vellum (calfskin), in a style called "insular majuscule." The book's dimensions are now approximately 12 x 10 inches - the pages were severely trimmed, and the edges...
The J. Paul Getty Museum came up with a clever idea for exhibiting fragile, light-sensitive, illuminated manuscripts: a two-part exhibition. The show goes up, and pages of the manuscripts are turned on a specific date to revel new images. In this case, the show started in December 2011, and pages were turned on February 28, 2012. The advantage of the web version of the show is that visitors can...
Widely understood to be one of the single most important inventions in human history, the development of movable type by Johann Gutenberg in the 15th century made it possible to produce a large number of copies of a single work in a relatively short period of time. Utilizing their own copy (one of 48 remaining around the world) of Gutenberg's Bible, the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at...
Visitors to the Web version of this Getty Museum exhibition may well have an advantage over on-site visitors. While the physical exhibition features more than 130 illuminated books produced in Flanders between 1470 and 1560, viewers at the Web site have a chance to get much closer to twenty selected manuscripts, using the Zoom & Explore functions provided. Click a thumbnail to investigate a single...
The online exhibits and digitization projects of the British Library are some of the finest in the world, and the Turning the Pages exhibit may be one of their best thus far. Utilizing the most contemporary advances in interactive display, visitors to the site can virtually turn the pages of the nine currently available original manuscripts located here. The manuscripts available represent some of...