The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a series of Parametric Probability Distributions to be used in conjunction with the previously released Exposure Factors Handbook. Whereas the Exposure Factors Handbook provides summaries of available statistical data on several factors used in assessing human exposure to toxic chemicals, the Parametric Probability Distributions document...
Tox Town, a Web-based project of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), is "an interactive guide to commonly encountered toxic substances." This highly visual Web site provides a wealth of information and related resources, such as an introduction to everyday locations where toxic chemicals might lurk, non-technical descriptions of toxins, the effect of toxins on human health, and more. Users...
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is continually assembling toxicological profiles for hazardous substances. This site contains 256 online profiles listed alphabetically by chemical name. Each profile begins with a non-technical public health statement discussing the chemical, its environmental and health effects, and risk of human exposure. A more technical version of...