Environment Australia -- Australia's Department of Environment and Heritage -- has made its extensive collection of photographs freely available for non-commercial use. Researchers and students in the environmental sciences may find this collection of well-composed, high-quality images a useful resource for presentations and publications. Users may easily search the database by keyword, general...
Borrowing a good idea from PictureAustralia (last mentioned in the December 1, 2000 Scout Report), Images Canada provides a central point to start a cross-collection search through more than 75,000 images held by participating Canadian museums, archives, and libraries. Like PictureAustralia, there are three ways to search: by keyword (simply enter terms in a box), advanced (limit terms to specific...
While a commercial enterprise, the Nature Picture Library offers viewers free online access to thousands of high-resolution photographs in its database. Containing fantastic shots of flora and fauna in settings of every variety, the Nature Picture Library is a great graphic resource for those in search of images of the natural world. Images can be purchased for direct downloads or can be stored...