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African Americans -- Population -- Statistics


The Black Population in the United States: Population Characteristics

In 2000, the Census Bureau released data on the Black Population in the US collected "in the March 1999 Current Population Survey, which uses the 1990 census as the base for its sample." The report and its accompanying tables cover "geographic distribution, age and sex distribution, family type and size, educational attainment, labor force participation and employment, occupational...
The Shifting Pattern of Black Migration From and Into the Nonmetropolitan South, 1965-95

Recently published by the Economic Research Service (ERS) of the US Department of Agriculture, this report focuses on the migration of African Americans between the nonmetropolitan South and the rest of the Nation, along with education and poverty trends from 1965-1970 through 1990-1995. According to the report, since 1970, there has been a reversal of the lasting trend of Black migration loss...