The FBI maintains a Web site (1) that explains the purposes and ramifications of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). In addition to discussing the telecommunication industry's role in supporting the act, the site defines electronic surveillance and offers several documents regarding associated legal issues. An excellent source for government surveillance information...
A number of organizations are actively concerned with monitoring the ways in which various governments have attempted to limit or restrict access to the Internet, and the OpenNet Initiative is one such group. Drawing on a collaborative partnership with four academic institutions (including the University of Toronto and Harvard Law School), the group's aim is "to excavate, expose and analyze...
As US Congressman (R-Ga) and House Judiciary Committee member Bob Barr has pointed out, the latest US government surveillance project, the FBI's Carnivore, might have been largely overlooked by the public were it not for two factors: the choice on the part of the bureau to name the system "Carnivore" and EarthLink Inc.'s litigation over the placement of the packet-sniffer on its network. Be that...