The 63rd Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark August 31 - September 5, 1997. The IFLA Conference site is currently highlighted by the presence of an eclectic set of over 130 proceedings papers that can be browsed by author or session. Examples of titles include "Libraries and Cultural Priorities in Africa," "Internet...
In this article Jack Solock, Special Librarian for the InterNIC Net Scout Services, discusses how librarians are responding to the Internet and its potential benefits. Drawing on his experience at the 116th Conference of the American Libraries Association, Solock finds that many librarians are resistant to the Internet, believing it to be lacking compared with print resources.
Librarians--Gatekeepers of the Information Age, or the New Luddites: Views from the 116th ALA Conference, has been added to the End User's Corner section of the Toolkit. It discusses the wide range of attitudes that librarians have toward the Internet as an information resource, as demonstrated in microcosm in a conference session led by Michael Gorman, James Rettig, and Samuel Demas at the recent...
"Libraries and Museums in the Digital World" was the topic of the Webwise 2010 Conference in Denver, CO. The proceedings were faithfully recorded and offered as a webcast so that visitors who could not attend could still listen to all the lectures and discussions. Some of the topics that were covered at the conference include "interoperability, the future of collaboration, standards & best...