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Everglades (Fla.)

History (3)
Research (2)
Restoration ecology (1)


Marjory Stoneman Douglas Writer & Conservationist

Marjory Stoneman Douglas is most famous for being a champion of the Florida Everglades and her 1947 book, The Everglades: River of Grass. The University of Miami Libraries holds Douglas' papers in their Special Collections, and a portion of the papers are highlighted in this digital exhibit on the University website. Those visitors unfamiliar with Douglas' environmental and humanitarian activism...
Reclaiming the Everglades: South Florida's Natural History, 1884-1934

Reclaiming the Everglades, a 1997-98 Library of Congress (LC)/Ameritech award winner, is now online in LC's American Memory. University of Miami, Florida International University and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida contributed a wide range of materials selected from 16 collections for the digitizing project. These collections include the University of Miami's Marjory Stoneman papers,...
Reclaiming the Everglades: South Florida's Natural History, 1884-1934

The Everglades are a complex ecosystem, and over the past 125 years humans have tinkered with the operations of this area in ways that have had far-reaching effects. This remarkable digital archive brings together sixteen different collections held by the special collections of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida. Taken as a...