Directed by a collaboration of seven United States universities and NASA, the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a "long duration balloon mission to constrain the origin of the highest energy particles in the universe." At this University of Hawaii at Manoa web site, users can download an informational proposal discussing the expected goals, scientific implementation, schedule, cost,...
The Goldstone Lunar Ultra-high Energy neutrino experiment (GLUE), a joint project of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab and UCLA, searches for 10ns microwave pulses from a lunar regolith (meteor ejecta believed to have struck the moon) using two large telescopes. Visitors to this Website can download a detailed, scientific description of the experiment entitled "New Limits on a Diffuse Flux of > 100 EeV...
This website features the IceCube collaboration, encompassing physicists and astronomers from all over the world. Users can discover how IceCube will explore uncharted bands for astronomy. Students and educators can find a history of neutrino astronomy. Researchers can find a publications list, conference schedule, and downloadable technical documents related to the project. Within the Multimedia...
This University of Wisconsin - Madison website presents the IceCube project, "a one-cubic-kilometer international high-energy neutrino observatory being built and installed in the clear deep ice below the South Pole Station." The site offers downloadable IceCube presentations, a brochure, educational movies, nice pictures, and other popular media. Students can learn about neutrinos and the...