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Government publications -- United States

Bibliography (1)
Computer network resources (5)
Data processing. (2)
Databases (5)
Directories (1)
Periodicals (1)


A Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination Final Report

These two reports from federal agencies look at the future of free government information in the digital age. Since its establishment in 1861, the US Government Printing Office (GPO) has been responsible for printing key government documents from all three branches of the federal government, which are disseminated to the public via a network of over 1,300 federal depository libraries, in a variety...
Catalog of US Government Publications

The Catalog of US Government Publications is a search-and-retrieval service that provides bibliographic records of US Government information products from January 1994 to the present. Users can search by keyword, title, class number, depository item number, GPO stock number, date, and more. Once returned, the records include the title, a short and full record link, an option to locate libraries,...
Electronic Dissemination of Government Publications

These two reports from federal agencies look at the future of free government information in the digital age. Since its establishment in 1861, the US Government Printing Office (GPO) has been responsible for printing key government documents from all three branches of the federal government, which are disseminated to the public via a network of over 1,300 federal depository libraries, in a variety...
Federal Depository Library Directory

The Federal Library Depository Directory is the official GPO (Government Printing Office) directory of all Federal depository libraries. Users can search the directory by eighteen characteristics, including institution, size, type, state, city, librarian, or date of designation. Searches return all of the necessary contact information and links to the library's latest Item Lister item selection...
Historic Government Publications from World War II

This new site from Southern Methodist University (SMU) features just over 200 government documents from World War II. Plans are to enhance the database to approximately double its size by May, when 300-500 documents will be included. Users can either view the documents in a simple list (sortable by title, author, or publication date) or perform a fielded search (title, author, subject, or...
Office of the Clerk: US House of Representatives

The Office of the Clerk On-line Information Center site contains much useful information about the House, including biographical information on Speakers of the House, Floor Leaders (1899-present) party makeup of the House and Senate since 1855, a list of candidates for Senate and House (organized by state and district) in the elections, election statistics and, of course, House directory...
Teaching With Documents: Lesson Plans

How does one get students excited about the Great Depression? It can be done, and the National Archives' "Teaching With Documents" site offers a cornucopia of lesson plans on this and other periods of American history. Each lesson plan contains reproducible copies of primary documents from the National Archives holdings, and the plans are correlated to the National History Standards and National...