The American Psychological Association (APA) Help Center offers useful facts, information, and advice on how psychological services can help people cope with problems such as stress, depression, family strife, or chronic illness. The site provides sections devoted to psychology in the workplace, the health implications of the mind/ body connection, family and personal relationships, and psychology...
The Census Bureau has recently posted Population Division Working Papers No. 24 on its website. The paper, written by Kristin E. Smith, Loretta E. Bass, and Jason M. Fields, provides figures from four areas of child well-being: early childhood experiences, parent-child interaction, school-age enrichment activities, and children's academic experience.
Childfun is for daycare providers and stay at home moms and dads who want interaction with other like-minded adults. It shares parenting/daycare advice, recipes, chit chat and everything in between. Subscription information available at the above URL.
The Children, Youth, and Family Consortium was established in fall 1991 in an effort to bring together the varied competencies of the University of Minnesota and the vital resources of Minnesota's communities to enhance the ability of individuals and organizations to address critical health, education, and social policy concerns in ways that improve the well-being of Minnesota children,...
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides ready access to a wide array of information resources in the areas of child development, the education and care of children from birth through early adolescence, the teaching of young children, and parenting and family life.