The Cuban Theater Digital Archive (CTDA) is a resource for research, teaching and learning in Cuban theater and performance as well as in related fields. The archive was created with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and is managed as a digital humanities partnership between the University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences and Cuba's National Council for the Performing Arts. The...
Around for close to two hundred years in one form or another, musicals are much loved by many professional and amateur companies who tread the boards. Authored and maintained by John Kenrick, an expert on musical theater history (and a personal assistant to six Tony-winning producers), the site contains close to 900 Web pages of information about the history, development, and current traditions of...
This exhibition preview from the Library of Congress highlights the work of Roger L. Stevens, one of America's foremost theatrical producers and impresarios of the 20th century. During his a career that lasted over fifty years, Mr. Stevens backed his first Broadway show in 1949 and soon became a moving force in American and British theater, eventually presenting over 100 plays and musicals in...
"In poor homes there is so much beauty" reads the preface to this online exhibit and catalogue, which speaks much about the life and times of Joe Fishstein, a garment worker from the Bronx who had a great love for Yiddish literature, particularly poetry. After his death in 1978, his family willed his entire collection of over 2300 books to the McLennan Library at McGill University, where they...
Developed in part by the University of Exeter's School of Performance Art (with the help of Jon Primrose), the aim of is "to eventually be the best resource for practical information and advice about technical theatre techniques for theatre folk at any level." The site is divided into a number of thematic sections where browsers can go to find out information about props,...
Lovers of the dramaturgical arts will want to take a look at, which offers a host of resources on the long and storied past of this performing art. The homepage for the site features links to a script archive, a Today in Theatre History section, a featured topic area, and a listing of the other areas covered within the site. The script archive is worth a look by aspiring...