NASA has blasted into the new year by not only landing a robotic vehicle (the Rover Spirit) on the surface of Mars, but also by transmitting the best photographs ever captured of the red planet. With that, Spirit is now preparing to meander about the surface of Mars and collect specimens of rock and soil -- the return of which is anxiously awaited by scientists worldwide. Spirit landed and made...
With so many exciting discoveries taking place on Mars, it may be hard to know about all the latest developments. In an attempt to deal with this quandary, NASA has developed this web site to provide real-time coverage of the Agency's endeavors. Through the use of RealOne Player or Windows Media Player, visitors can view an assortment of educational programs on live NASA TV. The website supplies...
Scheduled for launch in 2003, two NASA rovers will set out to explore Mars and determine whether water ever existed on the planet. This is the home page of the Mars rovers, and it has a great deal of information about the specifications and technology of the missions. Detailed descriptions of the scientific instruments equipped on each rover are provided. Color diagrams show the main components of...
"December 4, 2000 -- In what ultimately may be their most significant discovery yet, Mars scientists say high-resolution pictures showing layers of sedimentary rock paint a portrait of ancient Mars that long ago may have featured numerous lakes and shallow seas." This exciting news comes from a recent NASA news article detailing the latest finds from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global...