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Conservation of natural resources -- Research

Catalogs (3)


MacArthur Foundation: Videos

The MacArthur Foundation works in a range of thematic policy areas, including arts and culture in Chicago, digital media, affordable housing, and human rights. On the Videos section of this site, interested policy makers and non profit specialists can learn about the foundation’s outreach efforts and its programmatic impact throughout society. There are over 400 videos here, including ones on...
National Resources Inventory Map Room

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides a range of documents and materials to stakeholders from the private sector, government agencies, journalists, and scholars. One of their projects is the National Resources Inventory (NRI), which produces maps and charts based on their surveys. On this site, visitors can look over these documents, which are divided into eleven different themes,...
Tall Timbers Research Station: Research Programs

The Tall Timbers Research Station works to foster land stewardship through its research, conservation, and education efforts. Located in Tallahassee, Florida, the Tall Timbers Station conducts research in the areas of Fire Ecology, Resource Management, Vertebrate Ecology, Forestry, and Northern Bobwhite Quail studies. The Station's website contains overviews of its five major research programs and...