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Wildlife management -- California


California Natural Diversity Database

What is the goal of the California Natural Diversity Database? Simply put, it is "a program that inventories the status and locations of rare plants and animals in California." On its page, visitors can look over a remarkable database of GIS-mapped locations, along with key facts about the database, a host of white papers, and information about its vegetation, classification, and mapping program....
Habitat Use and Reproductive Success of Western Snowy Plovers at New Nesting Areas Created For California Least Terns

In keeping with their commitment to provide scientific materials online, the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC) has posted five scientific papers at their site. These resources were originally published in other journals, but are available here in full, free of charge. All five resources may also be downloaded in full as .zip files. Abby N. Powell and Christine L. Collier wrote the...
The Natural History of the San Gabriel Mountains

This privately published Web site functions as a detailed natural history guide to California's San Gabriel Mountains. Users can access a wealth of detailed information regarding the region's plants, animals, weather conditions, etc. The road guides are so detailed that the reader may almost feel as if he or she is actually there. While the text is dense and images are few and far between, almost...