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Great Britain -- Biography


View Resource Ben Jonson (1572-1637)

Buried in Westminster Abbey (under a plain slab adorned with the words, Rare Ben Jonson), Ben Jonson was one of England's most renowned playwrights during the 17th century. A contemporary of Shakespeare, Jonson was born in 1572, educated at the Westminster School, and as a young man joined the theatrical company of Philip Henslowe in London. Shortly after joining the company, Jonson's second...
View Resource Chambers's Book of Days

Subtitled A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar, Chambers's Book of Days is essentially a collection of "On this Day" trivia, short pieces, and other interesting tidbits, including history, literature, biography, and "oddities of human life and character." Digitized by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, this electronic reprint may be browsed in page order...