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Environmental health

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CDC: Environmental Health Services

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has developed this website to promulgate the diverse set of materials that have been created in order to inform the general public about environmental health. As the statement on the main page notes: "Environmental Health at CDC strives to promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases or deaths that result from interactions...
Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHGE)

Harvard Medical School's Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHGE) is one of the first research centers in the US "to educate students and faculty ... about the potential human health consequences of global environmental change, and to promote a wider understanding of these consequences." CHGE's homepage offers links to its programs, courses, collaborating institutions and contacts,...
Environmental News Network

The Environmental News Network (ENN) has as its primary goal to educate the world about environmental issues facing our Earth. People can freely read articles that change daily on the latest news that affects our planet, read stories from major environmental organizations, search past stories, learn about upcoming events on the provided calendar, listen online to EarthNews Radio, and more. An...
EPA: RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Online

The RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) "online database is designed to enable users to locate documents, including publications and other outreach materials, that cover a wide range of RCRA issues and topics." Users have three search options: Topics, Full Text, or Advanced searches. For those having trouble finding needed materials, the website offers a handy two-page reference guide....

Created "to champion the selfless acts of others" and "to create a portal into the soul of humanity" the Explore website was created in part with support from the Annenberg Foundation. On this website, visitors can view films that cover themes such as animal rights, poverty, the environment, and spirituality. Clicking on the "Films" tab brings up a grid of recently added films, complete with...
Geology and Human Health

The link between geology and human health may not seem obvious, but it many ways geology can affect public health in a variety of crucial ways. Certainly, the relationship between geological factors and water and air quality is one that continues to interest policy makers and others. This site explores these issues, and it was created by the people at Carleton College's Professional Development...
Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research

This website presents Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research, "one of nine independent Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) founded in 1992 from a reorganisation of Government funded research in New Zealand." Manaaki Whenua has approximately 320 staff members engaged in research and they maintain collaborative relationships with universities and other CRIs. Manaaki Whenua's six main research areas include:...
Minnesota Department of Health: Children's Environmental Health

With sending your children off to school can come worries about bullies, crossing streets, competition, and stress -- not to mention health. As we learn more about the school environment, it appears that measles may not be the only malady facing school children. This site from the Minnesota Department of Health, offers a comprehensive look at the hazards children face in their environment....
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Located in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is one of 27 research institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health. The basic goal of the NIEHS is to discover how the environment affects people in order to promote better lives. The Recently Published Research area is a great place to start, followed by...
New Jersey Environmental Digital Library

Developed by the Scholarly Communication Center of Rutgers University Libraries, this site offers access to an impressive array of materials related to the New Jersey environment. The scope of the collection is quite broad, including citizen information, technical reports, photographic tours, and even some full-length videos. In addition, many of the items in the digital library are ephemeral or...
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