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Tourism -- Social aspects

Cambodia (1)


Pro-Poor Tourism

Provided by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), an independent, UK-based, think tank, this site contains a selection of resources related to pro-poor tourism (PPT). Different than "sustainable tourism" and related initiatives, PPT is defined simply as "tourism that generates net benefits for the poor." At this site, visitors can learn more about PPT and read case studies, a report, a policy...
Pro-poor tourism: putting poverty at the heart of the tourism agenda

This short yet interesting report, written by Caroline Ashley, Charlotte Boyd, and Harold Goodwin for the Overseas Development Institute(ODI), considers "how tourism affects the livelihoods of the poor and how positive impacts can be enhanced." Divided into brief sections, each consisting of about a paragraph, the paper begins with six policy conclusions which outline the main points of the paper....
World Tourism News

This site from the European Union " bring news, interesting articles, and case studies in Travel Marketing, Hotel Marketing, Travel Industry, Internet Marketing and Airline Industry," and provides information "to travel agents and hotels marketers, hoteliers, destination marketers and students of tourism." With those goals in mind, the site is wisely categorized at the top of the page, by...