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Education, Higher -- Evaluation


American Council on Education

The American Council on Education, headed by David Ward (the former Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin), "seeks to provide leadership and a unifying voice on key higher education issues and to influence public policy through advocacy, research, and program initiatives." To this end, their Web site is a vast repository of papers, research initiatives, and newsletters that will assist those...
Association of American Colleges and Universities

Founded in 1915 by college presidents, the Association of American Colleges and Universities is "the leading national association concerned with the quality, vitality and public standing of undergraduate liberal education." The Association currently has over 850 accredited member institutions, which include research universities, masters institutions, and traditional liberal arts colleges. The...
BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists

BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research is the product of the National Research Council's Committee on Undergraduate Biology Education to Prepare Research Scientists for the 21st Century. Offered by the National Academies Press as a free electronic report, BIO2010 details recommendations for "bringing undergraduate biology education up to the speed of today's research...
College Profiles

For many young people, fall brings a new school year, and for high school seniors, a sense of excitement and trepidation about looking for the college that will best serve their educational needs. The College Profiles Web site will be a valuable resource for them and their parents or guardian. The site provides brief sketches of thousands of colleges and universities, along with materials on the...
Public Universities Across the United States Continue to be Plagued by Budget Cutbacks

With the revenues taken in by state governments continuing to drop over the past fiscal year, public universities are finding themselves forced to make massive cutbacks to numerous programs. A particularly troubling legal ruling occurred this week when St. Louis County Circuit Court Judge Kenneth Romines ruled that the University of Missouri will potentially have to return millions of dollars in...
Reclaiming the American Dream: Community Colleges and the Nation's Future

Over half of all students taking classes at the college level do so at a community college. Many policy-makers, pundits, and politicians are wondering how to best improve these key educational institutions. This 40-page report released in April 2012 takes a look at the current shortcomings of American community colleges, along with offering some suggestions about the way forward. The report was...
Reinventing Undergraduate Education: Three Years After the Boyer Report

Originating from the Reinvention Center at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, this 41-page report is a follow-up report to the original Boyer Commission Report on undergraduate education first released in 1998. Following up on the 1998 report, this document examines the progress made by various universities in 10 different aspects of undergraduate educational areas identified by the...
Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research

Founded in 1989, the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (SIHER) provides and supports research on a wide range of topics affecting higher education planning and policy, including the dynamics of systemic change, productivity, and the effectiveness of higher education organizations. For people interested in such matters, their website presents a cornucopia of research reports,...
The Collegiate Way: Residential Colleges and Higher Education Reform

Much ado has been in made in recent years about how best to reform or modify undergraduate education, from developing inclusive and multicultural curricula to creating a supposedly more "student-friendly" environment. Dr. Robert J. O'Hara (who has thirteen years experience in residential college life and administration) has developed this Web site to provide information about how colleges and...
The Institute for Higher Education Policy

"The Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to foster access to and quality in postsecondary education." The Institute's Website offers the fruit of these efforts in the form of policy research and analysis that includes "database modeling, legislative and regulatory review, comprehensive issue analyses, and identification of best...
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