Released in October 2003, this detailed and helpful report from the Brown Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institution offers a broad overview of the current state of American education from kindergarten through 12th grade. Authored by Tom Loveless, the director of the Brown Center, the report notes that overall student achievement across the United States was largely a mixed affair, as...
In late January 2001, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released this new publication. Published January 29th, A Primer for Making Cost Adjustments in Education gives advice to administrators for figuring cost adjustments in line with inflation. Independently written by William J. Fowler, Jr. and David H. Monk, the report considers the need to make cost adjustments in line with...
The Brookings Institution has had a long-standing interest in the American system of education, and this thoughtful 73-page report takes a close look at how the federal government might best intervene in this particular area of American society. The report was released in October 2008, and it was authored by Sara Mead and Andrew J. Rotherham. In their report, the authors suggest that the federal...
The Arizona State University’s College of Education has a distinguished record of conducting important research through its numerous research centers and institutes. One of these groups is the Commercialism in Education Research Unit (CERU), which was formerly located at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The CERU conducts research about commercial activities in schools, and its staff members...
Based in New York City, the Council for Aid to Education (CAE) is a national nonprofit organization that was initially created in 1952. Operating as a part of the RAND corporation since 1996, CAE's primary goals are to advance corporate support of education and on improving higher education and quality. Additionally, CAE recognizes the best corporate gifts to education through its annual Leaders...
Considering the trend of the last two decades to move financial aid from grant money to student loans, the new National Center for Education Statistics's report on debt burden serves as a timely assessment of the results of this shift. "The study examines the debt of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients in light of their financial circumstances in 1997, approximately 4 years after they earned...
A Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation's report, Opening Doors: Students' Perspectives on Juggling Work, Family, and College sheds light on factors sometimes overlooked by legislators and policymakers as they seek to better the circumstances of America's underclass. Recognizing the critical role of education and vocational training in improving upward mobility, key players effectively fail...
"These commissioned papers address advances in measuring inflation and adjusting for it; the emergence of a new focus upon spending at the school level; new, private sources of funding for public education; and a review of the state of the art of assessing educational productivity." In addition to excellent summaries of the papers in this series, the Introduction and Overview in the Table of...
Released in September 2002, this 40-page report from Professor Alex Molnar of Arizona State University addresses the question of private and corporate sponsorship of public education and education-related activities across the United States. In the report, Professor Malnor tracks recent trends in this phenomenon by looking at the practice of selling naming rights to various school athletic...