In early 2000 the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center posted this resource on wolves at their Website. "Do Wolves Affect White-Tailed Buck Harvest In Northeastern Minnesota?" summarizes wolf impacts on deer hunting in northeastern Minnesota from 1975 to 1977. The resource may be downloaded as a .zip file.
A Web sitedesigned just for kids by Defenders of Wildlife, Kid's Planet has much to offer for teachers and students. Teacher's Table contains downloadable .pdf lesson plans and activities. Designed primarily for middle school students, these lesson plans and essay contests cover topics like wolves and sea otters. With electronic fact sheets on over 50 species, the section titled Get the Facts may...
The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC) has made available several resources on wolves. This paper, by L. David Mech, was originally published in Conservation Biology in 1995 [9(2):270-278]. The paper may be viewed online or downloaded as .zip files.
Wolves in the United States have suffered from human extermination efforts, habitat loss, and perhaps most significantly, a bad reputation. The Timber Wolf Information Network (TWIN) is working to reverse that reputation by increasing "public awareness and acceptance of the wolf in its natural habitat and its ecological role in the environment.� The award-winning TWIN website contains links to...
Wolf Song of Alaska is a "member-supported, non-profit, apolitical organization dedicated to achieving an understanding of the wolf through education, science, and awareness." In addition to providing information about the activities of the Wolf Song center and museum, this website serves as a library of informational pieces about wolves from around the world. Students looking for information...