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Viral vaccines


Smithsonian Magazine: On the Trail of West Nile Virus

The July 2003 issue of Smithsonian Magazine includes a feature article about the West Nile Virus. The article offers an in-depth look at the work of a group of scientists as they "race to develop vaccines against the scourge while others probe the possible lingering effects of the mosquito-borne infection." The 7-page articles may be downloaded free of charge. The site also includes links to...
The Jordan Report 2000: Accelerated Development of Vaccines

On March 2, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) released its latest report on the state of vaccine research and development. This edition of the Jordan Report "highlights the triumphs of vaccinology during the 20th century and the ways in which new technologies promise better vaccines against both old and new disease-causing organisms." Prepared by 24 scientists from...
Whatever Happened to Polio?

This Smithsonian National Museum of American History exhibit celebrates the 50th anniversary of effective vaccines to prevent polio. On April 12, 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk, a virologist working at the University of Pittsburgh with funding from the March of Dimes, announced his vaccine against the disease. In 1957, trials of Dr. Albert Sabin's vaccine began. Between 1955 and 1957, the incidence of polio...