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4Teachers: Teach with Technology

This website was created by staff members at the Advanced Learning Technologies Project at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. It's well designed, and has a diverse set of resources that will help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms. Visitors who may be on the fence about bringing different technologies into the classroom should definitely check out the...
American Meteorological Society: DataStreme Atmosphere

DataStreme Atmosphere, a major teacher enhancement initiative of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), is dedicated to "the training of Weather Education Resource Teachers who will promote the teaching of science, mathematics and technology using weather as a vehicle, across the K-12 curriculum." The website offers many radar, surface, satellite, upper air, and forecast maps. Students can...
ATutor 1.4.2

A number of helpful learning-content management system programs have been developed in recent years to assist educators with creating Web-based instructional content. One such program is ATutor 1.4.2, which has been "designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind". The application was designed in part by The Adaptive Technology Resource Center at the University of Toronto and allows users to...
Bellingham Public Schools

The Bellingham Public Schools Web site is recommended when you want to collect information and formulate ideas about designing collaborative and educational web-based activities. It offers a selective collection of WWW Curriculum resources by Subject or Grade Level and lesson plans integrating the use of technology into the curriculum. Also provided are a half dozen lessons for adult learning of...
British Interactive Group

Everyone in the world of exhibit design and "hands-on" learning will benefit from a online visit to the homepage of the British Interactive Group (BIG). The group is designed to support the endeavors of a broad constituency, including educators, students, artists, and archaeologists, among others. Visitors to the site can learn about a host of "best practice" techniques in the field of exhibit and...

Buncee is a web app that was created for teachers who are looking for ways to integrate various multimedia into a single program. Buncee's "digital canvas" is simple to use. After signing up for a free account, readers may create a simple profile, organize their dashboard, and then create lesson plans and assignments for students. Buncee is 100 percent online; no downloads are necessary to run the...
Campus Computing Project

The Campus Computing Project is an ongoing study of the role of information technology in American higher education. Each year about 600 two- and four-year public and private colleges and universities participate in the Campus Computing Survey. The focus of the survey is on "campus planning and policy issues affecting the role of information technology in teaching, learning, and scholarship." The...
Center for Applied Science Technology

Founded in 1984, the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) is an organization that is committed to expanding “learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through the research and development of innovative, technology-based educational resources and strategies”. On their homepage, visitors can learn about their various initiatives, which include...
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching

Created by the University of Cape Town in South Africa, the aim of the Centre for Educational Technology is to "realise the principles expressed in the University" technology policy. In order to meet that lofty goal, the Centre for Educational Technology (CET) is hard at work in the areas of curriculum development, learning technologies, staff development, and research. Visitors are introduced to...

Developed through a project at Rice University, Connexions is a place for sharing free scholarly materials to promote educational collaboration and allow authors to expand the reach of their course materials. The website is powered by open source software, which allows registered users to post materials and create custom modules. Individuals are encouraged to contribute if they have course...
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