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World Heritage areas -- Preservation


View Resource List of 100 Most Endangered World Cultural Sites Released

A concern for preserving features of the built and natural environment stretches back for several millennia, but only over the past century or so has there been a concerted and systematic effort to work towards saving these types of places. Many such Top 10 endangered places or buildings lists are released every year, but one of the more intriguing is the biennial list of the top 100 most...
View Resource National Trust for Historic Preservation

Chartered by the United States Congress over fifty years ago, the National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, nonprofit organization which was formed in order "to encourage public participation in the preservation of sites, buildings, and objects significant in American history." Since that time, the National Trust has worked to preserve a host of structures that have some importance to...
View Resource The Stonehenge Project

The mystical and enigmatic stone formations located England and known collectively as Stonehenge is the most substantial reminder of the ingenuity of prehistoric civilization in this region of the world. Regrettably, in recent decades the site has seen the intrusion of major roads and a general degradation of the surrounding environment. By 1993, the situation grew so dire that the setting of this...
View Resource UNESCO: World Heritage

Established in 1972 under the auspices of UNESCO, the World Heritage Center's primary mission is "to define and conserve the world's heritage, by drawing up a list of sites whose outstanding values should be preserved for all humans and to ensure their protection through a closer co-operation among nations." While there is a host of information about the various cultural and natural sites on the...