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Wavelets (Mathematics)

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View Resource A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis

Researchers dealing with time series data will find this powerful resource extremely helpful. Drs. Christopher Torrence (National Center for Atmospheric Research) and Gilbert Compo (NOAA/ CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center) have put together this Website for researchers interested in using wavelet analysis, a technique that decomposes a time series into time-frequency space. The site provides...
View Resource The Wavelet Tutorial: The Engineer's Ultimate Guide to Wavelet Analysis

This site's author created this unique wavelet tutorial to help people with no prior knowledge of wavelet theory. In contrast with many other resources on the topic, which are more advanced in nature, this site starts with a firm overview of the basics and then gradually moves on to subsequent topics of time and frequency domain analysis. The relationship of wavelets to a similar concept, the...
View Resource Wavelets: Seeing the Forest and the Trees

Released on February 25, 2002, this article from the National Academy of Sciences' Beyond Discovery online magazine "describes the development of the mathematical modeling technique known as wavelets." Used in image compression and digital signal processing, wavelet functions are important for computer graphics and animation. The article is very well organized and can be understood by anyone with...