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Celebratio Mathematica

Math educators and aficionados may be interested in Celebratio Mathematica, an open-access digital publication that "celebrates mathematics and related fields, and their people." Visitors to this project will find extensive information on the lives and work of nearly thirty noteworthy mathematicians (as of this write-up), with each person's entry organized into an "enhanced guide to [their]...
Erdos Number Project

Have you ever wondered about the mathematics behind the idea of "six degrees of separation?" The Erd's Number Project offers several fairly comprehensive lists of co-author relationships to elaborate (with a bit of humor) studies of the dynamics involved in "the collaboration graph," which the website says is "a 'real-life' fairly large graph for combinatorialists to study." The co-author...
Furman University: Mathematical Quotation Server

Hosted through the mathematics department at Furman University, this website offers "a collection of mathematical quotations culled from many sources." The quotation database can be searched for by keyword, browsed by last name, randomly generated or viewed in its entirety. Some quotes are long while others are short and may be attributed to an anonymous person, but all have something to do with...
The History of Mathematics

Trinity College in Ireland hosts this site about the History of Mathematics. Rather than identifying key discoveries and theorems, the site mainly gives accounts of many prominent mathematicians and focuses on their research and contributions. Most material deals with the period between the 17th and 19th centuries, a time that produced many ideas that form the basis of modern mathematics. Some...