It's not an understatement to say that mainstream news in the United States has been in a bit of a tizzy in recent years, with a number of journalists serving time for refusing to reveal their sources and other such activities. The times seem right for an investigative report into the challenges facing the news media, and Frontline has stepped forward with a very fine four-part series on the...
The International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) is a cooperative organization consisting of more than 40 freedom of expression groups worldwide. The IFEX Clearing House Website, managed jointly by the Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression (NFFE) and the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE), provides "accurate and up-to-date information on freedom of expression issues and...
Why is everyone all a-panic about the Internet and the (sometimes) deviant behavior it might seem to enable? This fine OpenCourseWare offering from Professor Marcella Therese Szabiewicz takes a look at a "number of technopanics" of late. The course begins by looking at how similar panics about "old" media (books, films, and the like) set historical precedents for these current fears. Visitors can...
Founded in 2000, The Free Expression Policy Project has been part of the NYU School of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice for the past two years. During that time, the Project has continued to provide research reports and a host of other valuable insights on copyright, free speech, and media democracy issues. The site is fairly easy to navigate, as users can peruse some of the topical headings...
Located at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication, the Norman Lear Center is a "multidisciplinary research and public policy center exploring implications of the convergence of entertainment, commerce, and society." Named for the celebrated television writer and director, the Center offers a broad range of programs including the sponsorship of visiting fellows,...