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Human genome -- Computer network resources -- Directories



The providers of this searchable metasite have, over the years, accumulated hundreds of genomics-related bookmarks which they now share freely. The eighteen major categories at 123 genomics each contain dozens of links to bioinformatics- and genomics-related science news, research labs, databases, scientific societies, protocol guides, etc. Examples of the category headings include Microarrays,...
Human Genome Resources

In an effort to track the progress of and provide access to the work of the Human Genome Project (see the October 14, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) has expanded their Web resource. An international research program "designed to construct detailed genetic and physical maps of the human...
The Human Genome Unveiled: Publication of Sequence and Initial Scientific Analyses

This week's In The News highlights the landmark publication of the complete human genome sequence and its scientific interpretation. Spearheaded by two separate approaches and funding sources, the outcome of some ten years of hard work -- and moments of intense competition -- is the release of two complete sequences: one led by Craig Venter of Celera Genomics (a private venture with limited access...
University of Tokyo-Institute of Medical Science: Human Genome Center

The Human Genome Center was established in 1991 at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Medical Science. In pursuit of progress in the areas of human disease diagnosis, care, and prevention, the Center conducts genome research in Japan and participates in "international activities in database construction, mapping, and sequencing of the human genome." The Genome Center website contains links to...