As the "oldest, largest, and most popular online bookstore dedicated to African-American and Black literature from around the world," the African American Literature Book Club (AALBC) is a rich source of top-quality literature and more. Founded and managed by award-winning educator and public speaker Troy Johnson, AALBC provides numerous useful resources. Clicking "Authors" in the menu at the top...
This site provides a glimpse into the richness of African American History. African American Perspectives is a famous pamphlet collection from the Library of Congress American Memory Collection, containing over 350 pamphlets (browsable and searchable) on all aspects of African American history from the early 19th to early 20th centuries. Pamphlets are available in text, SGML, (Standardized...
Massachusetts was home to a number of powerful abolitionist and anti-slavery groups during the 18th and 19th centuries, and this fine online exhibition created by the Massachusetts Historical Society brings together a number of primary documents that tell the stories of African Americans and abolitionist movements in the commonwealth. With financial assistance from the Institute of Museum and...
Utilizing software developed at the University of Chicago, this online database of African-American poetry is a fine resource for people looking for a compendium of poems by numerous notable 18th and 19th century African-American poets. First-time users will want to read the users manual, which explains the software used to design the database, and how to best utilize the available search engine,...
Black Facts Online is a free service provided by Inner-City Software, founded by MIT graduate Kenneth Granderson. At Black Facts Online, visitors can find out numerous facts dealing with African American history, along with searching for facts by date and keywords. One sample search on the words "Angela Davis" revealed numerous facts about the well-known activist, scholar, and author. Each fact...
JSTOR has available this title in its collection of full-text, online journals. African American Review, the quarterly publication of the Division on Black American Literature and Culture of the Modern Language Association, is published by Indiana State University, and includes Volumes 1-33, 1967-1999. AAR continues Black American Literature Forum (1976-1991) and Negro American Literature Forum ...
A portion of the Langston Hughes Papers are available here on Yale University's Digital Library site. Hughes' complete papers (1862-1980) are comprised of "letters, manuscripts, personal items, photographs, clippings, artworks, and objects" and are available at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. For the digitized collection, visitors should click on the "See All Images" option on the...
Rich in Color is a resource for youth, librarians, teachers, parents, and teen mentors who are looking for new young adult (YA) fiction. The blog, maintained by a small team of teachers, writers, and book lovers, features recently released YA novels authored by writers of color and First Nations writers. The team at Rich in Color is committed to both publicizing books scheduled for release...
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, (last mentioned in the April 4, 1997 Scout Report) has recently added an African American biography, autobiography, and history section. The section contains complete copies of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have A Dream" speech, My Bondage and Freedom by Frederick Douglass, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, dictated by Sojourner Truth and edited by Olive...
The Coretta Scott King Book Award was founded in 1969 in honor of the late Mrs. Coretta Scott King, wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for her passion and dedication to working for peace. The awards are given to “outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values.”...