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Nature -- Effect of human beings on

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Bushmeat Crisis Task Force

This Web site is the homepage of the Bushmeat Crisis Task Force (BCTF), a nonprofit organization that works toward "identifying and implementing effective and appropriate solutions to the commercial exploitation of endangered and threatened species." In addition to providing information on BCTF projects and upcoming events, the Web site offers a comprehensive collection of articles meant to raise...
George Perkins Marsh Online Research Center

George Perkins Marsh had many careers during his long life, including sheep farmer, lawyer, politician, and diplomat. Without a doubt, he is best remembered today for his groundbreaking work, "Man and Nature," which was one of the first pieces of scholarship to describe in detail the significance of human action in transforming the natural world. Since its publication in 1864, the book has been...
GLOBIO: Mapping human impacts on the biosphere

A joint project of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and the United Nation's Environmental Programme, Global Methodology for Mapping Human Impacts on the Environment (GLOBIO) aims to "present a simple visual overview of the cumulative impacts of increasing resource demands on man and the environment." Hundreds of environmental impact studies were synthesized with satellite imagery,...
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

The primary aim of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) is "to deliver scientific knowledge to help human societies develop in harmony with Earth's environment". To achieve this rather broad agenda, the IGBP works in collaboration with other like-minded international organizations, including the World Climate Research Programme. From the homepage, visitors can read an executive...
International Rivers

International Rivers is an organization that opposes the construction of destructive dams on rivers, and they also support communities affected by dams. Their aim is to "protect rivers and promote just and sustainable water and energy development." Visitors will find most of their questions about dams and hydroelectricity can be answered under the "Learn More" tab's FAQ section. Along with each...
New Study Documents the Dramatic Effect of Industrial Fishing across the World's Oceans

In a study published in the journal _Nature_, co-authors Ramsom Myers and Boris Worm concluded that 90 percent of the world's large fishes have disappeared from the world's oceans over the past fifty years, attributing this phenomenon to industrial fishing. Utilizing data from the past 47 years, Myers and Worm looked at the precipitous decline in the populations of species such as tuna, marlin,...
The Center for International Earth Science Information Network

The very productive Earth Institute at Columbia University has a number of centers within its ambit, including The Center for International Earth Science. Their specialty happens to be on-line data and information management, along with spatial data integration and training and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment. From their homepage, visitors can learn more...
The Cultural Landscape Foundation

What is a cultural landscape? This website answers that question, and gives hundreds of wonderful examples for visitors to consider. The link "What are Cultural Landscapes?" explains to visitors that there are four types of cultural landscapes, and they also offer a brief definition of each one. They include "designed" which is intentionally laid according to design principles; "vernacular",...
The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science

Phrases like "biodiversity climate" and "ecosystems" are becoming ubiquitous on evening television broadcasts, yet some may still be unfamiliar with these terms and concepts. Fortunately, there is "The Habitable Planet" website, which was designed by Annenberg Media for teachers and adult learners who wish to learn more about current events in environmental science. The content on the site is...