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Backyard Nature

Created by veteran naturalist Jim Conrad, Backyard Nature is an excellent resource for information about many aspects of the natural world. The website provides extensive, well-organized sections for backyard Ecology, Plants, Animals, and Fungi -- to name just a few. The site contains a section on Naming & Classifying living things, as well as information about tools for backyard naturalists such...
National Park Service: Nature & Science

This great Nature & Science website from the National Park Service (NPS) was recently redesigned, and offers visitors a wide variety of information about how the NPS uses science to protect natural resources. The site links to main topic areas for Biology, Natural Sounds, Water, and more. The Biology section includes short informational features on Migratory Birds, Invasive Species Management,...
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin: Virtual Field Trips

To teach students about nature and inspire them with wonder for the natural world, there's really nothing better than a field trip. Yet if the learning challenges of the past two years have revealed anything, it's that education must be flexible to meet students where they are. These virtual field trips are a perfect example, offering educators in ecology, biology, life sciences, and other topics...