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Museums -- Congresses


View Resource Museums and the Web

Museums have been gravitating to the web for over a decade in order to educate the public about their collections, and in recent years, they have also used the web to form online communities for themselves. Museums and the Web is one of the ways that museum specialists can gather together to learn more about each others work, and also to engage in online discussion and research activities....
View Resource Museums and the Web 1999: Speakers

Museums and the Web 1999, an international conference held March 11-14, 1999 in New Orleans, addressed many of the issues that museums are facing as they begin to place exhibits and programming on the Web. Those unable to attend the conference can still benefit from the 50+ presentation and demonstration papers now available on the Web. Some describe individual projects, such as "Beethoven Online"...
View Resource Museums and the Web 2000: Speakers

In its fourth year, Museums and the Web 2000 was held April 16-19, 2000, in Minneapolis, where international attendees discussed and explored a number of themes related to exhibits and programming on the Web. Those unable to attend the conference can still benefit from the 60+ presentations and demonstration papers now available on the Web. Some describe individual projects, while others answer...
View Resource Museums and the Web 2001: Speakers

For its fifth year, Museums and the Web 2001 was held March 14-17, 2001 in Seattle, where international attendees will discuss and explore a number of themes related to exhibits and programming on the Web. Those unable to attend the conference can still benefit from the 60+ presentations and demonstration papers now available on the Web. Some describe individual projects, while others answer...