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Visual communication -- Digital techniques -- Software.


KPhoTools 0.2.1

Along with the hot weather, the summer also brings out shutterbugs in droves, weaving their way around family gatherings, sports arenas, and the great outdoors, fully intent on getting the perfect shot. Well, after acquiring that perfect shot, those shutterbugs (and anyone else for that matter), will want to take a look at this application. KPhoTools 0.2.1 aids users in creating online photo...
RealOne Player for Max OS X

This week, RealNetworks released the beta version of their Player application for the Mac OS X. The application contains many of the features common to the previous versions of RealPlayer, along with a new feature that helps eliminate buffering over high-speed connections. In addition, this version of RealOne Player also contains RealVideo 9, which assists in the viewing of video clips and other...
StudioLine Photo Basic 3.3

With more people using digital cameras, it seems that the number of photographs taken on a daily basis has grown exponentially. There are a number of applications designed to help individuals manage these burgeoning collections, and StudioLine Photo Basic 3.3 is one of the better ones available. The application allows users to utilize a variety of image manipulation tools, such as red-eye...